The Auction has a standard light/video display system to describe the condition and/or disclosures related to the vehicle being sold. The system is defined as:
1. Green Light – “Ride and Drive”: The green light signals that this vehicle is guaranteed under the conditions outlined in the Arbitration Guidelines section, except for specific disclosures or announcements made prior to the sale.
2. Yellow Light – “Announcements”: This light is an indication to the Buyer that the Auctioneer or Selling Representative has made announcements that qualify/clarify the condition or equipment and limit arbitration of this vehicle. This light can be used in conjunction with any other light.
3. Red Light – “As-Is”: Vehicles selling under the red light will only qualify for arbitration under the rules outlined in the Arbitration Guidelines section. (As-Is dollar amount, model years, and mileage is subject to local auction policy).
4. Blue Light – “Title Attached/Title Unavailable/Title Absent”: This light is used to announce that the title is not present at the time of the sale. For Auction rules regarding titles please refer to the Title Arbitration Policy section. If “title attached/unavailable/absent” is not announced, a vehicle could be arbitrated for misrepresentation
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